After facial implants, the healing process will take several weeks. Initially, you may have swelling and tenderness that is normal for your body, but it will subside within a few weeks. In addition, further healing will take between six and 12 weeks. The swelling and bruising will cover up the final results of your surgery, so you should avoid contact with the incision site. Dissolvable stitches will be used to close the incision. Your surgeon will make an incision near the implant site and a pocket in the facial tissue. The facial implants will then be held in place by the muscles and tissues around it. After the surgery, you may experience swelling and numbness. Some facial movement will be limited for a few days, and you may be on a soft diet for a few days. In some cases, you may have to visit a doctor after a few weeks.Many people are unhappy with certain parts of their face, such as their chin.
They may feel their nose appears larger than it actually is, or their under-eye area may be dark. Facial implants from Dr. Ort can help you achieve the look you've always wanted. And they can be customized to fit your exact proportions. If you have thin cheeks or a weak chin, you may want to consider getting them replaced with larger, rounder implants. The soft-tissue implants used for this procedure are made from silicone. These can be a combination of silicone and polyethylene. A silicone implant can be either shaped like a cleft lip or a full face. Both of these options have some pros and cons. While you should choose the material that best suits your needs, the procedure isn't without complications. A few things to remember before having the procedure: Aside from the cosmetic effect, facial implants can also have other complications.
The risks associated with facial implants include anesthesia, infection, and a minor nerve damage. You may also have to undergo several injections. You should discuss all of these risks with your surgeon. Visit to consult with the best surgeon. They are well worth the benefits and risks of this procedure. So, make sure you choose a surgeon carefully before you choose the best option for you. So, go ahead and discuss your goals with your doctor! A jaw implant adds width to the lower half of the face. It makes the jaw more distinct and gives the face a more pronounced line between the jaw and the neck. It's usually inserted through an incision on the lower lip. If the jawline is uneven, the cheek implant will add volume and contour to that area. It can even enhance the shape of the cheeks. It's important to choose the right implant for your specific needs, as some people have very narrow jaws.
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